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Summary of common problems of radiator and radiato

Time:2018-11-22 10:23:44 Hits:1324 次 From:LuoYang Xinsheng Radiator Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
  Check the indoor radiator one by one, check whether the valve of the indoor heating system is in good condition, and whether the manual running wind is in a closed state. It can be opened only when the heating is filled with water; check whether the connection point of the indoor heating system is intact to avoid running, breaking, Dripping and leaking; check whether there are hidden hazards such as obstructing the heating and repairing; during the heating and water filling period, the user's home should be kept for observation; when the heating system is filled with water, manually release the air until the water leaks.

   What to do when the radiator is not hot

   First, it is necessary to find out which heating unit supplies heat, and in principle, who supplies it and who manages it; secondly, it should be reported to the relevant units constructing the building and they are responsible for handling. If the district pipeline is out of repair or out of adjustment, it should be repaired and adjusted by the property owner.

   What to do if the radiator leaks

   First, place a container that can hold water under the leak in time. If the water splashes around, you can wrap the leaking area with a towel and lead it to the container. Users of household control should close the two valves (indoor main valve) at the entrance of the indoor pipeline in time. If the old system has a control valve, it should quickly close the radiator control valve. When the radiator does not control the valve, if the situation cannot be controlled in an emergency, you can quickly close the main valve in front of the building with the help of others and call the service phone of the maintenance personnel of the external network in time.

  How to judge the degree of water seepage of the radiator

   For slight water seepage (about 5 drops per minute), users can use the water receiver to collect water. As the temperature of the water supply increases, the water seepage may be reduced. More than 10 drops is a water seepage phenomenon. According to the actual situation, observe for about 3 to 5 days. If the water seepage phenomenon is reduced with the temperature change, the user can collect the water with a water receiver. If the water seepage is serious (more than 10 drops per minute), it should be timely Contact relevant units for maintenance.

   Can the water in the heater be released privately?

   The water in the heating is softened water that has been treated with anti-corrosion treatment, and chemical agents are added. Using this water is harmful to health. Moreover, the loss of water in the heating pipe will cause air locks in the heating system, which will affect the heating effect. A large amount of water loss in heating will affect the pressure and flow of the entire system, and will inevitably affect the heating temperature.

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